RESTful API for the Internet of Sheds. You'll also want the Arduino stuff
Running it
git clone
cd shedbot
bundle exec puma
Then go to localhost:9292
There is a config/config.yml file (which should be overriden at ~/.shedbot/config.yml) which looks like
pin: 13
pin: 6
This associates a light with a (logical) pin
Auto Pi Detection
matches /arm.*-linux/
then the
assumption is made that this is running on a real Raspberry Pi, where PiPiper will work properly
- if some other OS is identified then fake
pins are used for testing
This is so, so Alpha, but:
Switching lights
PATCH /lights/:light
with a JSON payload like
state: on
will (attempt to) set the light identified by :light to on. This is the method called by the controls in the HTML front-page
Reading state
GET /lights/:light
will return a JSON object describing the state of :light, thus:
spotlight: "on"
Next steps
Because this is interacting with the Real World of Physical Things, we should
not assume that setting state=on
actually causes anything to
happen. This all needs to happen asynchronously (via a
Sheduler, thanks @floppy) and
then the actual status can be reported back on a different endpoint
And it's important that this is all implemented correctly or the whole thing is rendered ludicrous
I gave a talk about this
I have spoken about this nonsense in public: at EMF Camp 2016, and at an ODI Friday Lecture. The latest iteration of the slides is here